Conoor : Nature Unplugged

Only the widest angle lens can do justice to the sheer spread of Nature that is Coonoor.

Snuggled next to its more popular cousin, Ooty, that is teeming with tourists, Coonoor retains its serenity and sanity, as a happy result.

Remnants of the British who regarded Coonoor as a summer retreat are evident in the names of streets and markets, bakeries and quaint cottages spilling over with a profusion of vivacious flowers.

Perched on the mountains in spontaneous rows, the houses spring up in daring shades of pink, blue, green and even neon, as if trying hard to match the vivacity of the flora.

At 8000 ft above sea level, Coonoor has some of the highest tea estates in the world. As the car hugs the winding road, a gorgeous green thick carpet of neatly arranged tea plantations looks like a pattern of glistening waves.

Through the rolled down windows, the mist swoops down the blue mountains, and brushes your face, and brings in the unmistakable fragrance of eucalyptus infused with the sharp scent of pine. Interspersed with the birdsong of the Tickell’s Leaf Warbler, Indian Blackbird,Brown-breasted Flycatcher and the
Square-tailed Bulbul.

Coonoor. Every scene is framed and feted with all the senses.20171021_17164620171021_17332920171021_17344220171021_173504IMG_4176IMG_4178IMG_4202IMG_4203IMG_4206IMG_4243IMG_4247IMG_4250IMG_4255IMG_4256IMG_4314IMG_4317IMG_4323IMG_4324IMG_4325IMG_4403IMG_4471IMG_4680

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